
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Speed of light according to Rig-Veda 

The speed of light, (defined as 299 792 458metres/s) is a universal constant which was often believed to be impossible to breach. However it is now known that the speed of light is approximately 304,463.2 km/sec.The simplest and most successful attempt to measure the speed of light was performed by Max Planck, Different physicists have tried to measure the speed of light throughout history.

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Researcher of Yog-Tantra with the help of Mercury. Working since 1988 in this field.Have own library n a good collection of mysterious things. you can send me e-mail at Занимаюсь изучением Тантра,йоги с помощью Меркурий. В этой области работаю с 1988 года. За это время собрал внушительную библиотеку и коллекцию магических вещей. Всегда рад общению: