Thursday, October 7, 2010

Englishwoman photographed in Germany whether a flying cherub, or hovering in the sky, an alien

НЛО с крыльями - из Германии
UFO with wings - from Germany

In the lens student from York got a strange UFO with wings and naked body

Vladimir Lagowski - 29/09/2010

A resident of York Linfut Abbey (Abbey Linfoot), 22-year-old student at Newcastle University (Newcastle University) visited Germany. And in the Bavarian city of Nuremberg has photographed something strange.

-I shot the urban landscapes - recalls the girl. - And when I started viewing them, she saw a creature with wings.

"Alive" Abby nobody noticed.

Англичанка просто снимала улицу и никого летающего не видела
The Englishwoman simply rented out and never saw anyone flying

Accurately identify an object none of the girls knew I could not. Her mother suggested that a cherub. Boyfriend thought that the shot came very plump fairy. He "saw" her naked body with massive buttocks and breasts.

На фото же появился НЛО - студентка никак не может определить, что же это
At the same picture emerged of UFOs - a student can not identify what it is

But she Abby "sin" to newcomers. Believes that photographed a UFO - more precisely, an alien. And could not see his chubby body, and the suit with a big helmet.

It is not excluded that the pictured just a blurred image of a certain bird. Or any flying insect like a dragonfly or butterfly. But while this is not obvious. Confuses partial unreality of the object. A more "legs" and something like a bust.

By the way, strange creatures interviewed in front of the British is not the first time. Read, for example, "Housewife photographed either a fairy, or angel" . And how razreshlas this puzzle can be found here - "The Mystery of the magic fairies photographed in England, disclosed".

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