Friday, April 30, 2010

In 2029 ENGLISH TEXT Translated

In natural phenomenon will be able to observe the April 13, 2029 (to be specified for the superstitious, it will be Friday), residents of Asia and North Africa. They do not need a telescope to observe a large asteroid, which will be held, probably at a distance of 34 400 kilometers from Earth. It would seem, a decent distance, and quite incomprehensible why the asteroid was ominous name Apofis that the ancient Greeks called the Egyptian god of chaos Apepa.

Apofis came to the attention of the scientists about four years ago, and that's when the first bad forecasts that the asteroid weighing 100 million tons may encounter with the Earth. Needless to say, such a «meeting» constitute a grave danger to our planet.

By studying the potential «guest», scientists have found that in 2029 he was with the Earth did not face. However, divergent views on this issue is not: some experts are still admit that this is a «lottery» and estimate the probability of collisions with the Earth as Apofisa 0,0001. But even if the pessimists are wrong, the asteroid will bring some trouble, he could, for example, confronted with the satellites, which are used for navigation, the broadcast TV signal, provide a link. But much more dangerous. Passing on such a small space with a view, the distance from Earth, Apofis bound to be under the influence of its gravitational field, which can slightly alter its usual path. Alas, after trying to predict what will these changes, the scientists came to the conclusion neuteshitelnomu is likely that in 2036 Apofis return. At this time in order to strike the earth.

Now the accuracy of forecasts is low, too high demands in the calculations, some refinements could be done only in 2013, and even then will discuss what action to take. In addition, the U.S. space agency planned in 2014 to send to the asteroid-controlled ship, the crew of which will hold a series of experiments, the results of which will shed light on the difficult situation. Even under the most adverse developments, the earth will be enough time to throw and try to change the trajectory of this dangerous celestial body.

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